#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Expecting the following arguments in order - # <host> = hostname/ip-address of Hadoop cluster NameNode server. # This is made available as a macro in host configuration. # <port> = Port # on which the NameNode metrics are available (default = 50070) # This is made available as a macro in host configuration. # <name_in_zabbix> = Name by which the Hadoop NameNode is configured in Zabbix. # This is made available as a macro in host configuration. # <monitor_type> is the parameter (NN or DFS) you want to monitor. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # First 2 parameters are required for connecting to Hadoop NameNode # The 3th parameter HADOOP_NAME_IN_ZABBIX is required to be sent back to Zabbix to identify the # Zabbix host/entity for which these metrics are destined. # The 4th parameter MONITOR_TYPE is to specify the type to monitoring(NN or DFS) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- export CLUSTER_HOST=$1 export METRICS_PORT=$2 export HADOOP_NAME_IN_ZABBIX=$3 export MONITOR_TYPE=$4
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the data output file and the log fle from zabbix_sender #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- export DATA_FILE="/tmp/${HADOOP_NAME_IN_ZABBIX}_${MONITOR_TYPE}.txt" export JSON_FILE="/tmp/${HADOOP_NAME_IN_ZABBIX}_${MONITOR_TYPE}.json" export BAK_DATA_FILE="/tmp/${HADOOP_NAME_IN_ZABBIX}_${MONITOR_TYPE}_bak.txt" export LOG_FILE="/tmp/${HADOOP_NAME_IN_ZABBIX}.log"
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Use python to get the metrics data from Hadoop NameNode and use screen-scraping to extract # metrics. # The final result of screen scraping is a file containing data in the following format - # <HADOOP_NAME_IN_ZABBIX> <METRIC_NAME> <METRIC_VALUE> #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check the size of $DATA_FILE. If it is not empty, use zabbix_sender to send data to Zabbix. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [[ -s $DATA_FILE ]] then zabbix_sender -vv -z -i $DATA_FILE 2>>$LOG_FILE 1>>$LOG_FILE echo -e "Successfully executed $COMMAND_LINE" >>$LOG_FILE mv$DATA_FILE$BAK_DATA_FILE echo"OK" else echo"Error in executing $COMMAND_LINE" >> $LOG_FILE echo"ERROR" fi
# debug: sh cluster-hadoop-plugin.sh 50070 master1 DFS